Brandon Paluzzi is an online marketer who’s had a passion for sales and helping people since he started his adult working life, over 2 decades ago. He has been driven since a young age to be successful at something but wasn’t sure what that something would be. What he did know was that the people he did see who achieved the success and wealth he desired, did so by starting their own business (they were also his uncles and cousins). Brandon’s parents were good, hard-working, blue-collar people, but were employees their whole lives and the only advice they offered him (and borderline insisted on!) was to “do well in school, get a degree, and get a good JOB, and you’ll do ok” ... Although Brandon respected and followed his parents’ advice and completed almost 2 years of college. It was at this point he realized that this was not the path for him...
Thus, would begin his new path to success (to which he gave himself 10-15 yrs. to earn millions by 40 years old, and retire playing golf all day! LoL). Needless to say, that was more a dream than a reality for Brandon. Although he did well in the following years with multiple sales jobs and the large commission checks he earned, he knew he would never have more success than the people he was working for..
Brandon realized that if he was going to turn his dreams into reality that he needed to start a business of his own. Even though Brandon spent thousands of dollars and countless hours of effort, studying every get rich program out there from all the so-called experts. It seemed to Brandon that these programs mostly benefited the people selling the program more than himself, but Brandon knew that online business was still the way to go, regardless. He was still undeterred and steadfast with his dreams going forward. He refused to compromise about having big financial success online, but still wanted to be certain he was offering people goods or services that would be of great value.. So, he then created ADVERTISING PRO.ORG. A website that would offer the same great products and tools that he used (and continues to use..) to get started on his online business ventures. Since Brandon uses the products he promotes himself, he knows they are all good products and from reputable companies. As ADVERTISING grows and expands its product line, while helping other entrepreneurs grow their businesses as well. He sees it as a win/win for everyone..

Brandon Paluzzi

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